14: Neighbors: Canada and the United States

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In this Episode...

Carson and Nicole look at the history of relations between Canada and the United States, including history going back further than you might have expected and what the future looks like for these long-term allies.

Show Notes

We used a lot of sources when researching this episode, all of which can be found using the links below.

U.S Department of State on Relations with Canada

'1491' Explores the Americas Before Columbus


Canadian Energy Center

CIA World Factbook: USA and Canada

Future of Canada-US Relations

Canada-US Relations from the Canadian Government

National Park Service: The Pig War

Carson Costa

I’ve always been fascinated by stories and the way people of different cultures and backgrounds experience life. I went to the University of Nevada, Reno, and earned my Bachelor’s in Psychology. After graduation, I decided to convert a Ford Transit cargo van into a tiny home and hit the road, pursuing my dream of being a writer full-time. Now I keep a blog about my experience converting and traveling in the van and write short travel articles and book reviews on Medium.com, while working on short stories and novels that range from Epic Fantasy to Urban Fantasy to Realistic Drama Fiction. You can find more information about all my work on my website: www.carsoncosta.com.


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